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Candidate Statement

"As a union, we face difficult times ahead. You deserve an officer who is a level-headed and independent thinker, who will ask the tough questions that need to be asked and be unafraid to represent the interests of the members. I am that person." 


As you can see from the pages linked above about my union, academic, and community/civic experience, in each of these roles, it has long been my mission to become and remain involved in the life of the college and community. 

At NCC, I know the importance of being actively involved in supporting our students and colleagues, and this remains the center of all I do. 

If elected Secretary of the NCCFT, I will bring the same level of consistency and commitment to that role. The Secretary is charged in the Constitution & Bylaws with keeping records of meetings of the Executive Board, Executive Committee, and general membership meetings. Additionally, all officers of the NCCFT are elected to represent the members as delegates at state and national affiliate meetings. I will faithfully fulfill these responsibilities.


As a mathematician, I have a sharp attention to detail and will ensure that our union's policies and procedures are adhered to. The recording and maintaining of minutes will be handled diligently and promptly. I have years of experience maintaining minutes and keeping careful records on union committees (Constitution & Bylaws), academic committees (SUNY Chancellor's Award, Student  Scholarships), and even for my local fire department.


Record keeping is crucial to any organization: this is how the history is recorded and it ensures transparency among officers and members alike. When questions arise, it is important to have access to the previous decisions. I'm the type of person who likes all of the i's dotted and all of the t's crossed. 

In addition to open communication and transparency, I am deeply committed to fairness and equity as well. Unionism is built upon the foundational principle of equitable treatment of all. If someone needs help, I help them -- following all of the appropriate protocols of my position.


My experience as a firefighter for 15 years has taught me to be goal oriented and to keep my composure in high-pressure situations. I know how to identify a problem and work with others to develop plans (with backup plans!) to achieve the desired outcome. As an officer of my local fire company, I have continued to advocate for our department members. It is paramount to my success as captain -- but far more importantly to the success, health and safety of our company and entire community -- that I remain attentive to the needs of all.


Any member of the NCCFT Executive Committee should have a strong moral character, as officers are elected to represent the interests of all members. If elected, I will bring an impartial and thoughtful point of view to the Executive Committee.


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