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Academic Experience

Committees, Presentations, Courses Taught, Education

2014 - Present

Faculty Advisor, Future Teachers Club

  • Assist student members with agenda preparation and host weekly meetings with food

  • Ensure compliance with annual budgetary expenditures

  • Attend educational conferences including Make Math Count conference (March 2020) and the Clute Institute International Education Conference (January 2016)

  • Organize and chaperone trips to the Bronx Zoo, Long Island Holocaust Museum, American Museum of Natural History, and Long Island Aquarium

  • Host presentations by NCC colleagues and local educators to prepare club students for future careers as educators

  • Collaborate with staff at Children's Greenhouse on campus for club members to participate in activities with children, including pumpkin decorating, flower pot decorating and planting of seedlings, story time, and most recently a hand-traced turkey decorating event


Chair, SUNY Chancellor's Award Committee

  • Planned and hosted annual award ceremony by inviting guest speakers from recipients’ department, the NCC President, recipients and their family members, and other guests

  • Coordinated solicitation of nominees for 2015-16 academic year

  • Organized and forwarded previously selected nominees' applications to SUNY in February 2015


Secretary, SUNY Chancellor's Award Committee

  • Recorded and distributed minutes of each meeting and worked with chair to create and distribute each meeting agenda

  • Chaired subcommittee that organized and solicited next round of nominees for following academic year

  • Chaired subcommittee tasked with updating procedure manual with nomination forms  (which I created), timeline for applications, award ceremony script (which I designed), selection criteria, and others

  • Assisted subcommittee to update nomination process to a completely automated email reply system with campus IT department

  • Met with AFA executive representatives to incorporate policies into procedure manual for future nominations of adjunct faculty

2019 - Present

Secretary, Scholarship Awards and Student Aid Committee

  • Record and distribute minutes of each meeting and work with chair to distribute each meeting agenda

  • Record and type minutes after each of the 14 meetings during this academic year (one meeting each fall was cancelled); distributed draft meeting minutes and Zoom link to committee members before each meeting

  • Send email notification to all committee members, one meeting each semester, to remind members about scholarship review process and completion date and notification about cancellation of the meeting during the scholarship review process

  • Submit all recorded minutes to the scholarship committee OneDrive folder for updates to the ASEC website

2017 - Present

Faculty Lead, SUNY Math Pathways Implementation of Quantway

  • Prepare paperwork for SUNY Math Pathways Grant of $60,000 for product support, classroom materials, professional development, and travel expenses for full- and part-time classroom faculty and non-classroom faculty

  • Attend six SUNY-wide training seminars to learn about course offerings; collaborated with NCC colleagues to attend training and informational workshops at these seminars

  • Work with course committee and Department Curriculum Committee to submit new course paperwork for two new courses: MAT012 and MAT013

  • Host two-day statewide regional new faculty training 

  • Attend Carnegie Math Pathways Winter Institute in Sacramento California, February 1-2, 2018; organized travel and team to attend

  • Meet with classroom and non-classroom faculty across campus to inform members around campus community of new course options and intended learning outcomes

2014 - Present

Member, Department Assessment Committee

  • Create three-year assessment schedule for all courses in department

  • Work with individual course committees to ensure assessment results are solicited and recorded properly

2016 - Present

Regional Member-At-Large, NYSMATYC

  • Elected into consecutive two-year terms to increase membership, coordinate and help with regional conferences, and help publish annual newsletter

  • Assist with organizing and advertising regional conference for Region 4 hosted by Suffolk County Community College in fall 2017 and SUNY Orange in fall 2018

  • Attend three-day annual conference in April every year from 2016 to present

  • Attend a minimum of three board meetings per year held around state to visit proposed sites for future annual conferences

2014 - 2016

Articulation Chair, NYSMATYC

  • Appointed to one-year term to increase membership, coordinate and assist with regional conferences, and work with vendors to support students and faculty with donations for participants in math contests and conference attendees

  • Assisted with organizing and advertising regional conference for Region 4 hosted by NCC in fall 2014 and Westchester Community College in fall 2015

  • Attended the three-day annual conference in April every year from 2014 to present

  • Attended three board meetings per year held around the state to visit the proposed sites for future annual conferences.


  • Presenter, "Effective Teaching Tools in a Remote Format." Nassau Community College Educational Resources Committee Day, November 2020

  • Co-organizer and content creator, "NYSMATYC Virtual Fall Workshop – Remote Instruction Tools and Tricks."NYSMATYC, October 2020

  • Presenter, "Engaging Students During Class with Microsoft Surface and Wireless Projection." How to Make Math Count Conference, Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY. January 2019.

  • Co-presenter, "Utilize Tablet or Laptop to Full Potential In or Out of the Classroom." American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. November 2018

  • Co-presenter, "Open Educational Resources Available to NCC Faculty." Nassau Community College MAT/CSC/ITE Department Seminar, May 2018

  • Presenter, "Utilizing Microsoft Surface to Engage Students." Nassau Community College MAT/CSC/ITE Department Seminar, May 2018

  • Presenter, "Technology In and Out of the Classroom: Utilizing Microsoft Surface to its Fullest Potential." NYSMATYC Annual Conference, Glens Falls, NY. April 2018

  • Presenter, "Utilizing Microsoft Surface: Long Island Mathematics Conference." SUNY Old Westbury, March 2018

  • Presenter, "Technology In and Out of the Classroom: Utilizing Microsoft Surface to its Fullest Potential." Nassau Community College Educational Resources Committee Day, March 2018​

  • Co-host, Round Table Conversation on NYSMATYC Executive Board Positions (to recruit new members and discuss proposed changes to the Bylaws). NYSMATYC Annual Conference, Rochester, NY. April 2015

  • Presenter, "Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi." Sandy Cohen Family Math Day, Plainview, NY. March 2015

  • Presenter, "Effective use of Technology in the Classroom." NYSMATYC Regional Conference, NCC. November 2014

Courses Taught

Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science and Information Technology

  • Full-time teaching responsibility for the following courses (at NCC since 2013):

    • MAT 001: College Preparatory Mathematics

    • MAT 002: Introductory Algebra

    • MAT 012: Quantitative Reasoning 1

    • MAT 013: Integrated Arithmetic and Quantitative Reasoning I

    • MAT 102: Introduction to Statistics

    • MAT 109: College Algebra and Trigonometry

    • MAT 111: Pre-Calculus

    • MAT 114: Foundations of Mathematics for Educators

    • MAT 123: Calculus II

  • Teaching philosophy focuses on incorporating technology in meaningful and engaging ways to help students visualize complex and abstract concepts; proper use enables faculty to move spotlight to content for greater quantitative reasoning

  • In addition to upholding high standards with respect to the content knowledge required to be successful in multi-course sequences, a focus on collaboration and the learning process through informal and low-stakes assessments helps level the playing field for underprepared students and build confidence in their abilities.

  • With focused work and a well structured academic environment, all students can master math if given the opportunity


  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Stony Brook University, May 2010

  • Master of Arts in Teaching Mathematics from Stony Brook University, May 2012

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